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Business Hours:  Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm - Closed Holidays

Living in Alix


A monthly listing of what is going on. Please click on link below.

Feb2025.Alix Inform.pdf

Alix Public Library 
The Alix Library open!
Please contact us for more details, or visit our Facebook pageYou can access our digital resources with your library card by visiting our eLibrary,   Terry Fehr, Library Manager.

Phone: (403) 747-3233

Email:  alixpublic(at)



Volunteers Needed!
Alix Public Library is looking for Board Members. Meetings are every six (6) weeks. Contact the Library for more information 403-747-3233.
Alix Nature Trail Society (A.N.T.S) is looking for volunteers. Contact Rob Fehr at 403-596-2787 or email at kasmak1(at) for more information. 

Red Deer River Municipal Users Group (RDRMUG) - Video

Below is a YouTube video made by members of the Group, called 'Looking Back - Moving Forward' .  The Red Deer River Municipal Users Group (RDRMUG) is a self-funded municipal group that advocates for rural and municipal river issues. There are 53 municipalities that use the Red Deer River as their water source, and the below video explains the groups mandate, to ensure there is clean and reliable water for the communities now, and into the future.

(480) RDRMUG Looking Back Moving Forward - YouTube

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