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Business Hours:  Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm - Closed Holidays

Alix Chamber of Commerce

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Why Join the Chamber?

By joining, you get member only perks, advertising, and networking opportunities and a whole lot of exposure for yourself and your organization or business.

* Networking - it's powerful                                       * Visibility - get noticed in your community

* Credibility - raise your reputation through membership   
* Have a Voice - gain say in Chamber advocacy efforts         
* Learning - training opportunities & presentations     
* Discounts - increase your purchase power through members-only discounts & perks


Preferred Member Opportunities:

* Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan    * Group travel opportunities         

* Special rates for educational & celebratory networking events

* Payment processing solutions         * Wholesale electrical energy savings                          

* Office supplies        * Online marketing solutions                * Payroll & HR solutions

* Teleconferencing    * Home, auto & travel insurance      *  Shipping discounts     * Fuel & diesel discounts



If the preferred member rates are not enough, joining your Chamber shows a commitment to your community.

* Allows your voice to be heard on matters of political importance.        * Sponsorship opportunities

* Networking events       * Grow your business        * Have a sold stake in matters of future growth


Alix Chamber Lunch Meetings:

* Held every third Tuesday of each month from September - June, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. Meetings are held in the Alix & Mirror Resource Centre in Bay 1 of the Railway House. Lunch is $10 per member. 


Annual Events 

*Father's Day Weekend - Community Wide Garage Sale & Kick It To The Curb. 
*Third Saturday in August - Alix Day Parade  
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